Note the literal explosion of interest in Christian Platonism during the Renaissance, followed by a striking absence from 1700 until the 20th century. The latter reflects several factors: the Reformation, the Age of Reason, the Industrial Revolution, and the modern empiricist- materialistic worldview. In a post-modern world we may expect to see Renaissance humanism and mysticism re-emerge, and along with them Platonism and Christian Platonism.
Please also see my Christian Platonism blog.
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Contents |
St. Theophilus of Antioch (? – c. 185)
– Apologia ad Autolycum
St. Irenaeus of Lyons (d. c. 200)
– Adversus Haereses (Against Heresies)
St. Hippolytus of Rome (d. 235)
– Refutation of all Heresies
Marcus Minucius Felix? (3rd century)
St. Methodius of Olympus (d. c. 311)
St. Eusebius of Caesarea (c. 263 – c. 339)
Arnobius of Sicca (fl. c. 300; North African)
Lactantius (c. 250 – c. 325; North African; student of Arnobius; Platonist, Epicurean, Stoic influences) [more]
Alexander of Lycopolis
(fl. c. 300; Egyptian)
– Against the Manicheans (PG 18 409–448)
Athenagoras of Athens (c. 133 – 190)
– Apology or Embassy for the Christians
– Treatise on the Resurrection
St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 150 – c. 215)
– Stromata (Miscellanies)
– Protrepticus (Exhortation to the Greeks)
Ammonius Saccas? (d. c. 240; possible Christian; see St. Jerome, On Illustrious Men 55)
Origen (c. 185 – 254; heard Ammonius Saccas?; knew Plotinus?)
– On First Principles (de Principiis)
– Against Celsus (Contra Celsum)
– Commentary on the Song of Songs
Heraclas (associate of Origen; auditor of Ammonius Saccas?)
St. Athanasius (c. 293 – 373; Bishop of Alexandria)
– Contra Gentes (Against the Heathen)
– De Incarnatione Verbe (On the Incarnation)
– Orationes contra Arianos (Against the Arians)
Didymus the Blind (Didymus Caecus; c. 313 – c.398)
ST. GREGORY OF NYSSA (c. 335 – c. 394)
– Life of Moses
– Commentary on the Song of Songs
St. Basil of Caesarea (c. 329 – 379)
– On the Hexaemeron (the Six Days of Creation)
St. Gregory of Nazianzus (the Theologian; c. 330 – c. 389)
Evagrius Ponticus (345 – 399)
– On the Thoughts
– Praktikos
– Gnostikos
– Kephalaia Gnostica
Synesius of Cyrene (c. 373 – c. 414; bishop; pupil of Hypatia)
– The Egyptian Tale (Aegyptus sive de providentia)
– On Dreams
Nemesius of Emesa (4th century)
– De Natura Hominis (On Human Nature)
St. Theodoret of Cyrus (c. 393 – c. 457; bishop)
Calcidius/Chalcidius? (4th century)
– Translated the Timaeus
Firmicus Maternus (fl. c. 346)
– De errore profanarum religionum
Marius Victorinus (c.300 – c.370; translated Porphry; Trinitarian theories)
Migne Patrologia Latina]
St. Simplician (Simplicianus; ? – 400; friend/mentor of St. Augustine and St. Ambrose)
St. Ambrose of Milan (c. 338 – 397)
– De Spiritu Sancto (On the Holy Spirit)
– De mysteriis (On the Mysteries)
– On Virginity
– Confessions
– De Trinitate (On the Trinity)
– De civitate Dei (The City of God)
– De doctrina Christiana (On Christian Doctrine)
Flavius Mallius Theodorus (fl. 399; friend of St. Augustine; Roman consul)
Favonius Eulogius (fl. 380-400?; taught rhetoric in Carthage)
– Disputatio de somnio Scipionis
Boethius (St. Severinus Boethius; c. 470 – 524)
– Consolation of Philosophy
– Commentary on the Isagoge
[Note: compare with Proclus (412 – 485; not Christian)]
School of Gaza
Leontius of Byzantium ('the Hermit'; 475 – 543)
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
(450? – 530?; Syrian?)
– On the Divine Names
– Mystical Theology
– On the Celestial Hierarchy
John of Scythopolis (fl. 540; bishop; early commentator on Pseudo-Dionysius)
Theodore Askidas (or Ascidas; fl. c. 550; archbishop of Caesarea in Cappodocia; Origenst)
Domitian of Ancyra (6th century; Origenist)
Stephen bar Sudaili (fl. 500; Syrian; Origenest; is often associated with Ps.-Dionysius)
John Philoponus (490 – c. 570; Alexandrian/Byzantine;
pupil of Neoplatonist
– De opificio mundi
– De Aeternitate Mundi
Elias (fl. 575?; Alexandrian; pupil of Neoplatonist Olympiodorus)
David (fl. 575?; Alexandrian)
Stephanus of Alexandria (fl. 630?)
St. Maximus the Confessor (c. 580 – 662; influenced by Pseudo-Dionysius)
Theodorus of Raithu (7th century; friend of St. Maximus)
Anastasius Sinaita (7th century)
St. John of Damascus
(John Damascene; c. 676 – 749)
– The Fountain of Wisdom
Theodore Ab Qurrah (750 – 820; disciple of St. John of Damascus)
Catholicos Timothy I (Timothy of Bagdhad; 728 – 823; Nestorian)
Al-Bitriq (8th century; Melkite; translated the Timaeus)
Hunayn ibn Ishaq (808 – 837; Nestorian)
– translated the Timaeus
– That which ought to be read before Plato's works
School of Baghdad Peripatetics (c. 870 – c. 1023). Muslim and Christian members.
Abu Bishr Matta (d. 940; Nestorian; founded School of Baghdad)
Yahya Ibn 'Adi
(893 – 974; Jacobite; studied with al-Farabi)
– Tahdhib al-akhlaq (Refinement of Character)
– Maqala fi at-tawhid (Essay on Unity)
Ibn al-Tayyib (1000 – 1050; Nestorian; numerous commentaries on the Bible)
Severus ibn al-Muqaffa (d. 987; Coptic bishop)
– Lamp of the Intellect
– Affliction's Physic and the Cure of Sorrows
Leo the Mathematician (c. 790 – after 869)
Photius (Photios; c. 810 – c. 893; Patriarch of Constantinople)
– Bibliotecha (Myriobiblon); c. 837/838
– Lexeon synagoge
– Amphilochia
– Diegesis peri tes manichaion anablasteseos
(Dissertation Concerning the Reappearance of the Manichæans)
Arethas of Caesarea
(c. 860 – c. 944; Arethas of Patras; archbishop of Caesarea; disciple of Photius)
– commentaries/scholia on Plato's works
John Mauropus (11th century; Constantinople; teacher of Psellus; later metropolitan of Euchaita; wrote poems beseeching God's mercy on Plato and Plutarch, "because both of them in word and character adhere closely to your laws." [Wilson, Scholars of Byzantium, p. 151])
Michael Psellus (11th century; Byzantine; re-introduced Plato; admired Proclus; commented on Aristotle)
– Explanation of the Platonic Chariot-driving of Souls in the Phaedrus
– De Operatione Daemonum
– writings on the Chaldean Oracles
John Italus (Byzantine; student of Psellus)
Eustratius of Nicaea (c. 1060 – 1120; Byzantine; Metropolitan of Nicaea; pupil of Italus; Neoplatonic influenced; commentator on Aristotle) [Stanford]
Michael of Ephesus (12th century; Byzantine; Neoplatonic influenced; commentator on Aristotle) [Stanford]
Theodore Metochites (1270 – 1332; Byzantine)
Nicephoros Gregoras (c. 1295 – 1360; Byzantine; student of Metochites)
St. Gregory Palamas (1296 – 1359; parts of Platonic/Neoplatonic asceticism, via Origen, the Desert and Cappadocian Fathers, Pseudo-Dionysius, etc. becomes absorbed into Hesychasm?)
John Scotus Eriugena (c. 815 – 877; translated Pseudo-Dionysius) [Stanford]
Adalbold of Utrecht (d. 1026)
St. Anselm of Canterbury (Augustinian; 1033 – 1109) [Stanford] [Hopkins]
William of Champeaux (c. 1070 – 1122; studied with St. Anselm) [Stanford]
Peter Abelard (1079 – 1142) [Stanford] [IEP]
Suger of Saint Denis (1081 – 1151; studied Ps.-Dionysius; influenced Gothic cathedral architecture)
School of Chartres
Bernard Silvesters (1085 to 1178?; associated with School of Chartres, but is not Bernard of Chartres)
– Cosmographia
School of St. Victor
Bl. Isaac of Stella
(Isaac D'étoile; c. 1100 – c. 1169; France; Cistercian monk;
argued for synthesis of Neoplatonic and Aristotelian philosophies)
[De Wulf]
– De anima
Alcher of Clairvaux (12th century)
[De Wulf]
– De spiritu et anima, PL 40 cols. 779-832 (attr.
– De diligendo Deo (attr.)
Henry Aristippus (fl. 1150; Italian)
– translated Phaedo and Meno into Latin
John Sarrazin (fl. c.1167)
– translated works of Pseudo-Dionysius into Latin
Alain de Lille (c. 1128 – 1202; French)
David of Dinant (c. 1160 – c. 1217; influenced by Eriugena)
Amalric of Bene (Amalric of Chartres; Amaury; d. c. 1205; influenced by Eriugena; pantheist theories)
William of Auvergne (c. 1180 – 1249; Bishop of Paris) [Stanford]
The Franciscan School of Paris [more]
Henry of Ghent (c. 1217 – 1293; active in Paris, studied at Cologne school) [Stanford]
William of Moerbeke
(c. 1215 – 1286; archbishop; Flemish; translated Proclus, Aristotle)
Henry Bate of Mechelen (1246 – 1310; Flemish; friend of Aquinas, William of Moerbeke)
Dominican School of Cologne
St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274)
(c. 1230 – c. 1300; Polish)
[De Wulf]
Hugh of Balma (Hugh of Dorche?; fl. 2nd half 13th century)
Jacopone da Todi (1230 – 1306; Italian, Franciscan; Laude)
Ramon Llull (1232 – 1315; Neoplatonist ideas; syncretic)
English Mystics
Richard Rolle (c. 1295 – 1349; hermit), The Fire of Love
Walter Hilton (c. 1342 – 1396; Augustinian canon regular), The Scale of Perfection
Anonymous author (14th century), The Cloud of Unknowing
– Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium
– De Intellectu et Intelligibili
– De visione beatifica
– Sermons
– Expositio super Elementationem theologicam Procli
– Summa Theologica
– Commentary on Liber de causis
– De Intelligentiis
– De Mystica Theologia
Petrarch (1304 – 1374)
Coluccio Salutati (1331 – 1406; Florentine; encouraged Platonic revival; recruited Chrysoloras)
George Gemistus Pletho (or Plethon; c. 1355 – 1450; Greek monk; visited
Florence in 1439)
– De differentiis Platonis et Aristotelis (c. 1440)
– countered by anti-Platonist
George Scholarius
(Patriarch Gennadios II), Antilepseis hyper
Aristotelous (Defence of Aristotle; 1444
[Hankins, p.
Manuel Chrysoloras (c. 1355 – 1415; Byzantine; student of Pletho; taught Greek in Italy [Florence, 1397-1400])
– translated the Republic and many other dialogues
Uberto Decembrio (c. 1370 – 1427; Milan; student of Chrysoloras)
– helped translate the Republic
Roberto de' Rossi (?; circle of Salutati; pupil of Chrysoloras; tutor of Cosimo de' Medici)
Guarino da Verona (1374 – 1460; pupil of Chrysoloras; Venice and Florence)
Giacomo da Scarparia (fl. c. 1406; associate of Chrysoloras and Guarino)
Leonardo Bruni
(1370 – 1444; Florentine; pupil of Chrysoloras; translated several of Plato's works to Latin)
Niccolò de' Niccoli
(1364 – 1437; Florentine intellectual; friend/patron of Bruni)
Giovanni Aurispa
(1376 – 1459; brought numerous Greek works from Constantinople to Italy [1423]
including all of Plato, all of Plotinus, all of Proclus, and much of Iamblichus)
Vittorino da Feltre (1378 – 1446; humanist, educator)
Ambrogio Traversari
(1386 – 1439; taught by Chrysoloras; twice prior of the Camaldolese community of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence, twice
vicar general of the Camaldolese order)
Traversari's students showed varying degrees of Platonic interest/influence:
Cosimo de' Medici
(1389 – 1464; founded Florentine Academy, placing Ficino as head)
George of Trebizond (1395 – 1486; anti-Platonist)
Francesco Filelfo
(1398 – 1481; student of John Chrysoloras, the nephew of Manuel)
Julian Cesarini
(1398 – 1444; cardinal; friend Traversari [and Plethon?])
Pietro Candido Decembrio
(1399 – 1477; Milan; son of Uberto)
Nicolas of Cusa (1401 – 1464; cardinal; German)
Denis the Carthusian
(Dionysius of Riche; Denys van Leeuwen; 1402 – 1471; associate of Nicolas of Cusa)
Cardinal Basilios Bessarion (1403 – 1472)
Leon Battista Alberti (1404 – 1472; priest, member of Florentine Academy)
Sassolo da Prato (c. 1416 – 1449; pupil of da Feltre)
Giovanni Andrea Bussi
(Johannes Andreas de Buxis; 1417 – 1475; bishop, editor, publisher)
John Doget (c. 1430? – 1501; English; priest)
MARSILIO FICINO (1433 – 1499; translated Plato, Plotinus, Iamblichus, Pseudo-
Hermetica, Chaldean Oracles; priest; headed Florentine Platonic Academy)
Lorenzo de' Medici (1449 – 1492; grandson of Cosimo; patron/pupil of Ficino)
Paolo Orlandini (? – 1519; prior of S. Maria degli Angeli monastery in Florence [1487-1498]; later vicar general of
Camaldolese order;
supported Ficino's teaching/lectures at monastery; friend of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola)
Vincenzo Quirini (Pietro; Camaldolese; influenced by Orlandini)
Tommaso Giustiniani (Paolo; Camaldolese; influenced by Orlandini)
Giovanni Corsi (disciple/biographer of Ficino)
Girolamo Benivieni (1453 – 1542)
– Phaedo (1405)
– Letters (1411)
– part of the Phaedrus (1424)
– Crito and the Apology (two redactions, both before 1427)
– Alcibiades' speech (215a-222a) from Symposium (c. 1435)
– translated Diogenes Laertius' Lives, including Vita Platonis...
– (this was the first biography of Plato in Western Europe)
– translated Gregory of Nyssa, Origen, Aeneas of Gaza, Pseudo-Dionysius
– Comparatio Aristotelis et Platonis (1450)
– translated three of the Letters (1430s)
– translated Euthyphro (1430s)
– revised translation of the Republic (late 1430s)
– translated Lysis (1456)
– De Sapientia (On Wisdom)
– De Mente (On the Mind)
– De Docta Ignorantia (Of Learned Ignorance)
– De Visione Dei (On the Vision of God)
– Commentary on Dionysius Areopagite
– countered
George of Trebizond with
In Calumniatorem Platonis (Against the Slanderer
of Plato; 1459)
– with Nicolas of Cusa edited William of Moerbeke's translation of Proclus' Expositio in Parmenidem
– Commentary on Phaedo
– Platonic Theology
– De Amore (Commentary on the Symposium)
– Commentary on Phaedrus
– The Christian Religion
The Book of the Sun (De Sole)
– De virtute
– De substantia animae et de ipsius immortalitate
– Gymnastica monachorum (describes the 'Camaldolese Academy' at S. Maria degli Angeli)
– Canto de immortalitate de anime
– Guido di Lorenzo d'Antonio
– Translator of Plato
Jacques Lefèvre d'Étaples (c. 1455 – 1536; French; friend of Ficino and Giovanni Pico; Platonist interests)
Johann Reuchlin (1455 – 1522)
– De Verbo Mirifico (1494)
– De Arte Cabbalistica (1517).
Francesco Giorgi (1460 – 1540; Franciscan; Cabalist, Neoplatonist)
– De harmonia mundi totius
Pietro Pomponazzi (1462 – 1525; Aristotelean with Neoplatonic and Stoic interests) [Stanford]
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463 – 1494)
– Oration on the Dignity of Man (1486)
– 900 Theses
Desiderius Erasmus? (1466 – 1536)
Francesco Cattani da Diacceto (1466 – 1522; pupil of Ficino; from 1502 taught at the University of Florence;
center of Florentine intellectual circle that met at the Orti Oricellari in first two decades of 16th century)
– De pulchro (1499)
– De amore (1508)
– Panegyricus in amorem
– commento al Simposio di Platone
– Paraphrasis in libros IV de Coelo
Francesco de' Vieri (1474-1541; il Verino; member of the Diacceto's school; continued the official tradition of Ficinian
professor of philosophy in Florence/Pisa)
– De pulchritudine et amore
John Colet (ca. 1467 – 1519; priest; brought Italian Platonism to England)
Symphorien Champier (1471 – 1539; brought Italian Platonism to France)
Pietro Bembo (1470 – 1547; Italian cardinal; literary reformer)
St. Thomas More
(1478 – 1535; friend of John Colet)
– Utopia (1515)
Agostino Nifo
(c. 1473 – c. 1540; Aristotelian influenced by Ficino and Neoplatonism)
- De immortalitate animi (1518 and 1524)
- De intellectu et daemonibus
Baldassare Castiglione (1478 – 1529)
Giles of Viterbo (1469 – 1532; cardinal; Italian)
Girolamo Seripando (1493 – 1563; cardinal; Italian)
Margaret of Navarre (1492 – 1549; Queen of Navarre, writer, intellectual)
Agostino Steuco (1497 – 1548; priest)
– De perenni philosophia (The Perennial Philosophy)
Philipp Melanchthon (1497 – 1560; Lutheran)
Francesco de' Vieri
(1524 – 1591; il Verino secondo; grandson of il Verino; taught philosophy at University of Pisa from 1553)
– Compendio della dotrina di Platone in quello che elle e conforme con la fede nostra
(Compendium of Platonic Teachings Which are in Conformity with the Christian Faith; Florence, 1589)
– Discorso del soggetto, del numero, dell'uso et della dignità et ordine degl'habiti dell'animo
(Discourse on the Subject, Number, Use and Dignity and on the Kind of Vestments of the Spirit; Firenze, 1568)
– Lezzioni d'amore (Lessons on Love; a commentary on Cavalcanti)
– Discorso intorno ai demonii (1576)
Francesco Patrizi (1529 – 1597)
– Nova de universis philosophia (1591)
Jean de Serres (Serranus; 1540 – 1597; Huguenot; anti-Neoplatonist; made new Latin translation of Plato's works [Stephanus 1578 edition])
John Case (1546 – 1600; English; Aristotelian with Platonic/Neoplatonic interests)
Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600)
Edmund_Spenser (1552/1553 – 1599)
– The Faerie Queene
– Fowre Hymnes (Four Hymns)
– Mutabilitie Cantos
Tommaso Campanella
(1568 – 1639; Dominican priest)
– Metaphysica
– The City of the Sun
Francesco Piccolomini (1582 – 1651; Jesuit Superior General; Aristotelean with Platonic and Stoic interests)
Most medieval, Renaissance, and later Christian mysticism was strongly influenced by Platonism via Pseudo-Dionysius [Figure]. Major traditions and representatives include the following:
For an excellent summary of these traditions see this article.
Jacob Boehme (1575 – 1624), Christian theosophists (Faivre 2006 gives extensive discussion), Christian Cabalists (Scholem, 1997; Yates, 1979) and esotericists, and the early Rosicrucians (Yates, 1972), show clear Neoplatonic/Neopythagorean influences.
Thomas Jackson (1579 – 1640; English theologian)
English Metaphysical poets (e.g., John Donne; to be added)
Louis Thomassin (1619 – 1695; French)
THOMAS TRAHERNE (1636/7 – 1674; English)
Nicolas Malebranche (1638 – 1715; French) [Stanford]
Giambattista Vico (1668 – 1744; Naples)
– Le orazioni inaugurali (Six Inaugural Orations, On Humanstic
– De antiquissima Italorum sapientia ex linguae originibus eruenda librir tres
(On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians Unearthed from the Origins of the Latin Language; 1710)
– Scienza nuova (1725)
George Berkeley (1685 – 1753; Anglo-Irish bishop)
– Siris (1744)
Henry (Harry) Spens
(c. 1714 – 1787; Scottish cleric)
– Republic (1763; first English version;
repr. 1922)
Jean Nicolas Grou (1731 – 1803; French; Jesuit priest; spiritual
writer, translator)
– Republic (1762; 2 vols.)
vol 1
vol 2
– Laws (1769; 2 vols.)
vol 1
vol 2
– Dialogues (1770; 2 vols.)
Theataetus, Protagoras, Hippias 1, Hippias 2,
Gorgias, Ion, Philebus, Meno
Joseph Joubert (1754 – 1824)
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768 – 1834; philosopher, critic, translator) [Stanford]
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 – 1834; philosopher, poet, critic)
– Aids to Reflection (1825)
August Neander (1789 – 1850; Calvinist pastor)
Christian Platonism is also very much in evidence within Christian Unitarianism, a movement with close connections to New England Transcendentalism (e.g., William Ellery Channing, Edward Tyrrel Channing, James Walker, James Freeman Clarke, Andrew Preston Peabody, Abiel A. Livermore, Octavius B. Frothingham). See Howe (1988/1997).
Going back even earlier in American history, a plausible argument could be made that Jonathan Edwards was a Christian Platonist.
Otto Willmann (1839 – 1920)
– Geschichte des Idealismus (The History of Idealism), 3 volumes:
William Ralph Inge (1860 – 1954)
– Platonic Tradition in English Religious Thought
Paul Elmer More (1864 – 1937)
– The Religion of Plato (1921)
Alfred Edward Taylor (1869 – 1945)
Jacques Maritain
(1882 – 1973)
– The Degrees of Knowledge
Pavel Florensky
(1882 – 1937)
– The Pillar and Ground of the Truth (1924)
Raphael Demos
(1892 – 1968)
– The Philosophy of Plato (1939)
Alexei Losev
(1893 – 1988)
– The Dialectics of Myth (1930)
Simone Weil (1909 – 1943)
Vladimir Lossky? (1903 – 1958)
– The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
Karl Rahner, S.J. (1904 – 1984)
Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905 – 1988)
Joseph Pieper (1904 – 1997)
A. H. Armstrong (1909 – 1997)
Robert Earl Cushman (1913 – 1993)
– Therapeia: Plato's Conception of Philosophy
20th Century French Neoplatonism
Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger; 1927 – )
– doctoral research on St. Augustine, Plotinus, and
Douglas Hedley (1961 – )
– Coleridge, Philosophy and Religion
Allen, Michael J. B.; Rees, Valery; Davies, Martin (eds.). Marsilio Ficino: His Theology, His Philosophy, His Legacy. Leiden 2002.
Armstrong, A. Hilary. St. Augustine and Christian Platonism. St. Augustine Lecture of 1966, Villanova University.
Armstrong, Arthur H. (ed.), The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge 1967 (repr. with corrections 1970).
Biggs, Charles. The Christian Platonists of Alexandria. Oxford, 1886 (2nd ed. 1913).
Bitton-Ashkelony; Bruria; Kofsky, Arieh (eds.). Christian Gaza in Late Antiquity. Leiden, 2004.
Cassirer, Ernst. The Platonic Renaissance in England, 1953.
Chenu, Marie-Dominique. The Platonisms of the Twelfth Century. In: M-D Chenu, Nature, Man, and Society in the Twelfth Century. (Trs. Jerome Taylor & Lester K. Little). University of Toronto, 1997; University of Chicago, 1968. (Originally published as La théologie au douzième siècle, J. Vrin, 1957).
Cherniss, Harold Fredrik. The Platonism of Gregory of Nyssa. Berkeley, 1930 (repr. New York, 1971).
Celenza, Christopher S. The revival of Platonic philosophy. In: James Hankins (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy. Cambridge 2007, pp. 72–96.
Coulter, Dale. Pseudo-Dionysius in the Twelfth Century Latin West. ORB: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies. 1997.
De Wulf, Maurice. History of Medieval Philosophy. London, 1909.
Egan, Harvey D. An Anthology of Christian Mysticism. Collegeville, MN, 1991.
Faivre, Antoine. Christian Theosophy. In: Wouter J. Hanegraaff (ed.). Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism. Leiden, 2006, pp. 258–267.
Festugière, André Jean. Contemplation et vie contemplative selon Platon. Paris: Vrin, 1950.
Field, Arthur. The Origins of the Platonic Academy of Florence. Princeton, 1988 (repr. 2014).
Field, Arthur. The Platonic Academy of Florence. In: Michael J. B. Allen, Valery Rees, Martin Davies (eds.), Marsilio Ficino: His Theology, His Philosophy, His Legacy. Leiden 2002, pp. 359–376.
Frothingham, Octavius B. Transcendentalism in New England. New York, 1876.
Garin, Eugenio. History of Italian philosophy, Volume 1. (Giorgio A. Pinton, tr.). Rodopi, 2008.
Gaul, Leopold. Alberts des Grossen Verhaltnis zu Plato. Munster, 1913.
Geoghegan, William D. Platonism in Recent Religious Thought. New York, 1958.
Gersh, Stephen. Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism: the Latin Tradition. (2 Vols.). Notre Dame, IN, 1986.
Gersh, Stephen. From Iamblichus to Eriugena. Leiden, 1978.
Gersh, Stephen; Hoenen, Maarten J. F. M.(eds.). The Platonic Tradition in the Middle Ages. Berlin, 2002.
Gerson, Lloyd (ed.). The Cambridge History of Philosophy in Late Antiquity. Cambridge, 2010.
Hankey, Wayne J. Neoplatonism and Contemporary French Philosophy. Dionysius 23 (2005): 161-190.
Hankins, James (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy. Cambridge, 2007.
Hankins, James. Plato in the Italian Renaissance, 2 vols. Leiden, 1990.
Hankins, James. Plato in the Middle Ages. In: J. Strayer, Dictionary of the Middle Ages, vol. IX, New York, 1987, pp. 694-704.
Hooker, Richard. Renaissance Neoplatonism. 1996. Accessed: 20 December 2014 from < >
Howe, Daniel Walker. The Cambridge Platonists of Old and New England. Church History, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Dec., 1988), pp. 470-485. (Reprinted as Ch. 7, The Platonic Quest in New England, in: Daniel Walker Howe, Making the American Self, Oxford University Press, 1997 [repr. 2009]; pp. 189-211.)
Inge, William R. The Platonic Tradition in English Religious Thought. London, 1926.
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Orig. 04 Apr 2008
Latest rev. 4 Aug 2021 (School of St. Victor)