Links to Cicero's Philosophical Works in Various Editions

Academica | Consolatio | De amicitia | De divinatione | De fato | De finibus | De legibus | De natura deorum | De officiis | De republica | De senectute | Hortensius | Paradoxa stoicorum | Tusc. disp.

Note: The Loeb editions, taken as the standards for comparison, are listed first. Other English translations of interest are listed in chronological order. For other works of Cicero, see here, here and here.

On the Republic (De Republica; c. 52 BC)

Keyes (1928; Loeb) [Amazon]
Featherstonhaugh (1829) [html]
Barham (1841) [html]
Barham/Yonge (1878; Bohn) [Archive]
Sabine/Smith (1959/1976) [Google]
Rudd/Powell (1998; Penguin) [Google]
Zetzel (1999; Cambridge) [Google]
Fott (2013; Cornell) [Google]
Latin (Mueller, 1889; Teubner) [Perseus]

On Laws (De Legibus; c. 51 BC)

Keyes (1928; Loeb) [Amazon]
Barham (1842) [html]
Barham/Yonge(1878; Bohn) [Archive]
Rudd/Powell (1998; Penguin) [Google]
Zetzel (1999; Cambridge) [Google]
Dyck (2004; commentary) [Google]
Fott (2013; Cornell) [Google]
Latin (de Plinval, 1959; Belles Lettres) [Perseus]

Stoic Paradoxes (Paradoxa Stoicorum; 48 BC)

Rackham (1942; Loeb) [Amazon]
Edmonds (1874) [Archive]
Latin (Baiter/Kayser, 1865) [Perseus]

Consolation (Consolatio; 45 BC) - lost work

Hortensius (45 BC) - lost work

Academic Questions (Academica; 45 BC)

Rackham (1933; Loeb) [Archive]
Yonge (1853) [Google]
Yonge (1875) [Archive]
Brittain (2006) [Google]
Latin (Plasberg, 1922; Teubner) [Perseus]

On Ends (De Finibus; 45 BC)

Rackham (1914/1931; Loeb) [Archive]
Yonge (1853) [Google]
Yonge (1875) [Archive]
Reid (1883) [Google]
Woolf/Annas (2001; Cambridge) [Google]
Latin (Schiche, 1915; Teubner) [Perseus]

Tusculan Disputations (Tusculanae Disputationes; 45 BC)

J. King (1927; Loeb) [Amazon]
Yonge (1853) [Google]
Yonge (1891) [Archive]
Peabody (1886) [Archive]
Latin (Pohlenz, 1918; Teubner) [Perseus]

On the Nature of the Gods (De Natura Deorum; 45 BC)

Rackham (1933; Loeb) [Archive]
T. Francklin/Yonge (1878; Bohn) [Archive]
Francis Brooks (1896; London) [html]
P. G. Walsh (1998; Oxford) [Google]
Latin (Plasberg, 1917; Teubner) [Perseus]

On Divination (De Divinatione; 44 BC)

W. A. Falconer (1923; Loeb) [Perseus]
Barham/Yonge (1878; Bohn) [Archive]
Latin (Falconer, 1923) [Perseus]

On Fate (De Fato; 44 BC)

Rackham (1942; Loeb) [Amazon]
Barham/Yonge (1878; Bohn) [Archive]
Latin (Müller, 1915;Teubner) [Perseus]

On Old Age (De Senectute; 44 BC)

W. A. Falconer (1923; Loeb) [Perseus]
Edmonds (1874) [Archive]
Peabody (1887) [Archive]
Shuckburgh (1909) [Archive] [html]
Latin (Falconer, 1923) [Perseus]

On Friendship (De Amicitia; 44 BC)

W. A. Falconer (1923; Loeb) [Perseus]
Edmonds (1874) [Archive]
Peabody (1887) [Archive]
Shuckburgh (1909) [Archive] [html]
Latin (Falconer, 1923) [Perseus]

On Duties (De Officiis; 43 BC)

W. Miller (1913; Loeb) [Perseus] [pdf]
Edmonds (1874) [Archive]
Peabody (1887) [Archive]
Gardiner (1899) [Archive]
Griffin & Atkins (1991; Cambridge) [Google]
Dyck (1996; commentary) [Google]
Latin (Crowell, 1910) [Archive]
Latin (Miller, 1913) [Perseus]

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rev: 12 Nov 2018 (De Natura Deorum, Francklin/Yonge)