Contemplation to Attain Love

The Contemplation to Attain Love of St. Ignatius of Loyola is a great treasure of Roman Catholic spirituality. It was appended to his famous Spiritual Exercises.

The version here is basically the literal translation of Elder Mullan, S.J. (1914). I've changed a word here and there based on the Spanish autograph and consultation of more recent English translations, including the excellent George Ganss (1992) version.

I've also added the Preparatory Prayer and Colloquy to the Contemplation. St. Ignatius alludes to but does not supply these here, as they appear earlier in the Spiritual Exercises and would therefore be familiar to the practicioner.

The paragraph numbers correspond to those of the autograph version.

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Copyright © 2007 - John Uebersax PhD
rev. 18 Jan 2007
rev. 2 Apr 2010 (added to new domain)