Religious Essays of Joseph Addison |
Edward Young's Night Thoughts:
Part 1: Nights 1–4 |
Allegorical Interpretation and the Old Testament |
America's Covenant: John Winthrop's Model of Christian Charity |
Thomas Jefferson's Recommended Reading |
Culture in Crisis: The Visionary Theories of Pitirim Sorokin |
Platonism as Psychotherapy |
The Republic: Plato's Allegory for the Human Soul |
The 'Natural City' in The Republic: Is Plato a Libertarian? |
Divinus Plato: Is Plato a Religious Figure? |
The Monomyth of Fall and Salvation |
Christianity for Agnostics |
National Days of Prayer: A Historical Comparison |
Prayer as a Condition for Just War |
Is Cicero the Father of Just War Theory? |
What is Materialism? What is Idealism? |
Higher Reason |
Materialism, Idealism, and Higher Education in California |