Books, Reports and Articles of Special Interest

by John Uebersax

click on images
Religious Essays of Joseph Addison Edward Young's Night Thoughts:
Part 1: Nights 1–4
Allegorical Interpretation and the
Old Testament
America's Covenant: John Winthrop's
Model of Christian Charity
Thomas Jefferson's Recommended Reading Culture in Crisis: The Visionary Theories
of Pitirim Sorokin
Platonism as Psychotherapy The Republic: Plato's Allegory for
the Human Soul
The 'Natural City' in The Republic:
Is Plato a Libertarian?
Divinus Plato: Is Plato
a Religious Figure?
The Monomyth of Fall and Salvation Christianity for Agnostics
National Days of Prayer:
A Historical Comparison
Prayer as a Condition for Just War Is Cicero the Father of
Just War Theory?
What is Materialism? What is Idealism? Higher Reason Materialism, Idealism, and Higher
Education in California

More works on Psychology, Religion and Society
